SO CLOSE - Jennette McCurdy
i cant help myself,
i cant help but smile.
everytime i see your face,
and we've never met.
short >< cant find a long enough verse.
sad. just chose the chorus whoooh. the best part.
this post is nothing but a pile of gibberish (ABOUT ICARLY.)
dont you dare to criticize anything here. OR ELSE.
you have been warned. >=D
been obsessed with iCarly for the past 4 days.
although they have only 40+ episodes so far.
i finished watching all of them last night!!!
today whole day watch the first season all over again.
i pro right.
seriously obsessed. with a KID show.
it's seriously damn nice.
esp when Sam bullies Freddie.
she owns. with her words.
he always gets owned by her :D
sweet. hahaha.
i haven't really been talking to many ppl these days ):
nvm, people.
this addiction will HOPEFULLY die soon.
i miss talking to you people.
but right now.
i am stuck to iCarly.
i love Spencer and Sam!
the two of them are the best in the show xD.
they are HILARIOUS.
esp Spencer.
his humour is just.. natural :D
he really makes me laugh.
then my parents catch me.
lol ><
speaking of which.
Jennette McCurdy!
this is totally gay.
going crazy over a celebrity.
so girl style.
she's is totally CUTE.
yea she's.. on my dp btw.
she plays Sam in iCarly.
and she is awesome.
check out her youtube at
she's funny and hot.
enough with this gaga over iCarly. and Jennette McCurdy xD.
sorry for not posting for.. 12 days.
i have pledged to join ianfoo, wanqi, jiamin and amelia in their
esp jiamin.
whoooh he hasnt posted for 4 mths.
i love that guy :D
i'm posting now some ppl are wondering what i've been doing lately ><
sorry, someone.
yea you.
i pull myself away from my iWin A Date to post this de.
after this, i going back.
but before i leave..
a quiz from prada and aish.
tag.. mumm.
that's all (:
have fun!
90. First off, what is your name?
Daryl Lee..?
89. What did you do last night?
Went over to WeiXiang's house (that 6 year old kid who kissed me 6 times.)
was sleeping for 3hrs plus there.
came back,
watched iCarly.
88. Do you have a best friend that you can talk to 24/7?
I am an antisocial whoooh.
87. Do you have any siblings?
86. How many years apart are your mom and dad?
Years apart?
my mum's older yay.
85. Do you like someone?
84. What does the 7th message in your text inbox say?
"So, is the class going out tmr? Cos there is nth to do at home and its damn borin):"
word for word from lim junwei.
83. Who sits beside you in maths?
Used to be HongJie and Praveer in 303.
YuHan, then Vivek in 304.
82. Where is your dad right now?
Sleeping. Yay i'm the only awake one at home.
81. Do you burn incense?
Almost never.
80. Do you have a problem?
Obsession with iCarly.
if i'm obsessed with something, i stick to it.
when i say "stick", i mean i do that thing til the wee hours of the morning.
79. Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from?
I only have one missed call in my call logs );
from JiaMin.
78. Closest purple object?
Omg nothing around me is purple!
Those purple stars on the orange rubber ball 3m from me.
79. Closest silver object?
This thing i'm typing on.
76. Closest yellow object?
The bolster i'm resting my chin on.
75. Do you sing in the shower?
Most of the time lol.
74. What is bugging you right now?
Exam results, TOMORROW.
wtf the two screw ups.
73. How does your hair look right now?
Messy and massive.
72. Do you know all the words to the Star Spangled Banner
Wtf is that.
71. When is the last time you said the pledge of allegiance?
Allegiance.. omg wtf are these things :/
70. If you could kill someone, who would it be
69. Do you have any fears?
A few bah.
Death's one of them.
68. What do you hear right now?
Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) - Beyonce.
67. Do you like kangaroos?
Neutral emotions towards that thing. lol.
66. Can you roll your tongue?
65. What are you wearing?
This disgusting tight singlet. And some shorts.
64. Who was the last person to message you?
Ian Foo.
63. Do you like emo kids?
Hell no.
62. Screamo or Country?
Country! Jennette McCurdy whoooooooh.
61. Rock or Rap?
Rock o.o
60. Polka or Disco?
Disco lah. Wtf is Polka?
59. Flying or Driving?
with wings lah.
58. Who last called you?
JiaMin also WTF.
57. Was your Valentine’s day nice?
Not bad xD. I got these cute pills from mumm!
I love you andreea lee xD.
(ooooh i'm calling you by name.)
56. What are you doing now?
Staring out into space as i type this.
55. Who was the last person you said I love you to?
Look at question 57.
54. Would you die for someone?
Yes. Someone (:
53. Would you date anyone from your work?
I dont have any work. Exams over.
52. Do long distance relationships work?
Happened to my dad's cousin. So hey, why not.
51. Do you have any pet peeves?
50. Do you have to pee right now?
I did half an hour ago.
49. When did you last talk to one of your siblings?
Hours ago.
She slept at 10 plus plus.
48. What are you doing tomorrow?
Script checking.
Life's miserable.
47. Do you worry about getting older?
Kinda :/ I cant be childish anymore. Sad lah.
46. Have you ever had an ingrown toenail?
45. Do you pick your scabs?
Yes. The scars they leave behind is sweet.
(LOOKS sweet.)
44. Ever drink your blood?
Sucked on it. Licked it. Never DRANK it.
43. Do your bandaids have cartoons on them?
42. Do you bite your nails?
Only everyday.
41. Do you wax you eyebrows?
39. Do you check CelebPox.com for celebrity gossip?
O.o sounds like a pornsite ew.
38. Do you have a jar where you keep your loose change?
I keep it in this small barrel thing that Amelia (PRIMARY SCH) gave me.
37. Do you own a pogo stick?
36. Ever gone a whole day without eating?
Wna try.
35. Do you own ripped jeans?
I could rip the jeans i have now..
34. What makes you mad?
Idk.. many things.
33. What would you do if you found out that you were adopted?
I shall not have the "they love you all the same" mentality.
i didnt come from you, you dont own me.
so. fuck it if that happens.
32. Are you jealous a lot of the time?
31. Do you use a calendar or day planner to schedule everything on?
Never. Really. My dad gave me a table planner for 2008.
Didnt even touch it.
30. Are you OCD?
Wtf is that again?
29. Do you have ADD?
No.. I'm normal enough lah D:
28. Do you have low self esteem?
Uhhuh D:
27. Who can make you laugh during the hardest time?
Noone :/
26. What was the last thing you watched on TV?
My mum was watching some disgusting korean drama.
blankly stared at it for a bit. (considered watching, no?)
25. When was the last time you had professional pictures taken?
Professional..? Wth LOL.
24. Have you done a whitening treatment on your teeth?
Not yet, but i might seriously need it really soon.
23. What is your favorite movie?
Currently.. Princess Diaries 1..?
I kinda always like the latest movies i watch.
The last one was actually Star Trek, but heck! Didnt rly like it.
22. Who do you love?
I. love....
21. What is playing on your MP3 player right now?
To Be With You - David Archuleta.
on my comP3.
20. What holiday is your birthday closest to?
National Day. whoooh.
sad that my mum didnt really get to celebrate it in peace, i guess.
19. What’s your favorite drink?
uhzx. Coke Zero! (i actually like ALOT of drinks.)
i just have a sudden craze for that thing.
18. Do you own any big sunglasses?
Nops. Small ones.
17. Bed sheet color?
Yellow. Mwahaha.
16. Ever encountered a shark?
Yea on my dinner table.
15. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
14. Have you ever bungee jumped?
Few times.
13. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
Uh.. let me recall. WeiXiang's house lo.
12. What’s the first thing you notice about the same sex?
11. Is it hard to express your feelings to someone?
Depends on which feelings.
Love, not that bad.
Hate.. i tend to be hypocritical with that person for sometime. haha.
10. Why are people such self-centered beings?
Because I want ribs.
9. Are you sad?
8. Are you happy?
7. Favorite day of the year?
Uh.. november 19?
No matter wad, it'll always fall after the exams, so yay!
6. Have you ever licked someones cheek?
No. Never. Nah. Ew.
5. Watched all Spiderman movies?
Only S1. And half of S2. And 5 minutes of S3.
4. What are you looking forward to?
8 June. Guess why :D
3. Favorite Lucky Charms Marshmallow?
I dont like Lucky Charms EW!
2. Have you ever ridden in a limo?
I wish.
1. Do you want to get married?
Do YOU want to marry me huh.
this is a ridiculously random quiz.
this concludes my long-yearned-by-some-people post.
this means i can go watch my iCarly.
this also means i am crazy over Jennette McCurdy.

ciao ;]]
--~ @ 12:17 AM