STUCK WITH EACH OTHER - Shontelle feat. Akon
this song rocks rocks rocks rocks!
shontelle pwns :D
there’s nothing id rather do,
than to sit with you forever,
cant think of nothing better,
than to be stuck with you.
short quiz post,
for aish and andreea :D
cos they're rushing me to post.
although i have NOTHING TO POST ABOUT.
3 quizzes(:
First one..
tagged by Cherlyn,
on facebook!
1. What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up?
"Goddddddd. 6am -.- 2 hours of sleep.."
(sleeps again.)
2. What did you do last night?
Uh.. chat with Aish til 4 plus :O
3. What is the most important part of your life right now?
CTs D:
4. What would you rather be doing right now?
slacking lah -.-
5. What did you last cry over?
Let me think..
idk? some family problem?
6. What always makes you feel better when you're upset?
Talking to people i trust :D
7. What are your plans tomorrow?
Nothing leh.. finish chem asgn,
and chinese D:
9. What are you worried about?
Tests -.-
and assignments :/
10. What are you looking forward to most in next week?
1. Have you ever liked someone with a girlfriend/boyfriend?
2. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Think so..:/
3. Have you ever played on a sports team?
In badminton team now :O
4. Have you ever been out of the country?
6. Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?
Uh. Think so :/
7. Have you ever had the cops called on you?
Yah. Once.
8. Have you ever dated someone younger then you?
Once as well lei.
9. Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
1. Who was the last person you saw?
2. Who was the last person you hugged?
My mother :O
3. Who was the last person you called?
wait. she called me.
cant remember ler):
4. Who was the last person to call you?
Rania lor.
5. Who was your first crush?
6. Who was the last person to text message you?:
Mumm :D
7.Who is the last person you texted?
Mumm also lah :D
8. Who did you last yell at?:
Uh.. cannot remember.
(dates back to friday.)
1. When did you last shower?
An hour ago :O
2. When did you last see your mom?
About half an hour ago.
3. When was your last hug?
Days ago :/
4. When did you last dress up?
Just, bah.
5. When was the last time you cried/teared?
Weeks ago.
6. When did you last go to the movie theatre?
Last yearD:
7. When were you born?
4th August 1995.
1. Where do(es) your best friend(s) live?
Bukit Timah, Jurong, Bukit Purmei, Pasir Ris, Pasir Ris ;D.
2. Where did you last go?
Bathroom bah.
3. Where did you last hang out?
School.. track :O
4. Where do you go to school?
NUS High :D
5. Where is your favorite place to be?
Uh.. anywhere but home :/
6. Where did you sleep last night?
Bed o.o
1. Do you like someone right now?
2. Do they like you too?
I hope so :D
3. Do you ever wish you were someone else?
4. Do you know the muffin man?
Yea. Heard of him (:
5. Does the future scare you?
Nah. I wish the earth just dies.
I want us all to die together :D
1. Why are you best friends with your best friends?:
Cos we love each other(:
2. Why did you get a Facebook?
For no reason..
i UPDATED it cos many ppl using mah.
3. Why did your parents give you the name you have?:
Not sure also lor.
4. Why are you doing this survey?:
To post sth bah :/
1. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?:
2. If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?:
Go another school :/
3. If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring one thing what would it be?:
Her ^^
1. Would you ever be friends with someone again, who you promised yourself you'd never?
Yea. Maybe.
2. Would you ever shave your head to save the person you love?:
1. Name a dream you wish to fulfill:
i guess :/
From NLXY :O
ripped off.
Put an X in every box that applies to you.
Add up all the x`s and title subject with the sum as "My marriage age is__"
[ ] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[ ] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[ ] You own more than one credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[ ] You do your own laundry
[ ] You vote every election
[ ] You can cook for yourself
[ ] You think politics are exciting
[ ] You balance your own checkbook
[ ] Your parents have better things to say than your friends
Total: 0
[x] You show up for school/college/work every day early.
[ ] You always carry a pen in your pocket/purse
[x] You've never gotten a detention
[x] You have never smoked a cigarette
[x] You have never gotten completely trashed
[ ] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[x] You like to take walks by yourself
[ ] You've watched talk shows.
[x] You know what 'credibility' means without looking it up
[x] You drink coffee[caffiine] at least once a week.
Total: 7
[x] You know how to do the dishes.
[x] You can count to 10 in another language.
[ ] When you say you're going to do something you do it.
[x] My parents trust me
[ ] You can mow the lawn (what lawn?)
[ ] You can make adults laugh without being stupid
[ ] You remember to water the plants
[x] You study when you have to
[x] You pay attention at school/college
[ ] You remember to feed your pets
Total: 12
[x] You can spell 'experience' without looking it up.
[x] You work out on a regular basis
[x] You clean up your own mess
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[x] You have gained weight since middle/high school
[ ] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine
[x] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[x] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[x] You can type quickly
Total: 19
[x] You have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party
[ ] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[x] You have more bills than you can pay (hp D:)
[x] Most of all your friends are older than you are
[x] You can say no to staying out all night
[x] You use the internet every day
[ ] Your wardrobe hasn't changed in a while
[ ] You can read a book and actually finish it
Total: 24
Wow -.-
so freaking young ._.
Quiz 3.
Friend 1 - JiaMin
Friend 2 - Aisyah
Friend 3 - WanQi
Friend 4 - Pin
Friend 5 - YongJen
You and your top 5 are hanging out. What are they each doing?
Uh other than yongjen flirting with the 2 girls, everyone's normal(:
Would 1 and 3 make a good couple? [JiaMin & WanQi]
That rumour's dying.. O:
How about 2 and 4? [Aisyah & Pin]
Have you ever dated 5? [YongJen]
No luhhhhh.
Does 3 give good advice? [WanQi]
Can 1 dance? [JiaMin]
Idk. Never seen him dance before!
Except mass dance xD.
Have you ever done anything stupid with 4? [Pin]
No lei xD.
Pin-san is very matured(:
Is 2 a mother figure to you? [Aisyah]
Uh no.
Do you go to school with 3? [WanQi]
Yea we're in the same school,
but we dont go there together lah ._.
Who makes you laugh the most?
JiaMin, YongJen xD.
How long have you known 5? [YongJen]
More than a year lah :D
we first talked during investiture!
we had the same psle score (:
What do you like about 4? [Pin]
His maturity, and.. his gayness xD.
Does 1 live close? [JiaMin]
Nah.. i'm isolated D:
Have you met 2's parents? [Aisyah]
No D:
Some crazy person is yelling at you and your top 5. What would they each do?
Uh.. everyone just remains calm lah ;D.
except jiamin, who reasons out with him/her (:
What would you do if you woke up laying naked next to 4? [Pin]
freak out DDDDDD:
Would you ever date 1? [JiaMin]
Nah.. not gay lah.
Has 1 slept over? [JiaMin]
No D:
Do you and 2 have any inside jokes? [Aisyah]
Does 3 ever annoy you? [WanQi]
Rarely lah.
Would you ever kiss anyone on your top 5?
Yea. Duh.
Is 4 cute? [Pin]
Kinda. In the baby-cute way xDDDDD.
Does 5 play any sports? [YongJen]
Soccer? and netball (:
Describe 2 in three words? [AIsyah]
Chio-bu wife :D
Have you ever been to 3's house? [WanQi]
When is 1's birthday? [JiaMin]
21st Jan(:
Best time you had with 4? [Pin]
Every single moment(:
Is 2 in a relationship? [Aisyah]
Is 3 loud? [WanQi]
Cheenas are never loud.
When are you going to see 1 next? [JiaMin]
Latest monday xP
Would you date 4? [Pin]
Who has the worst temper?
Uh.. Pin xO
You are playing matchmaker. List the best couples you can make using your top 5.
Yongjen and Aish (:
ciao ;]]
--~ @ 9:10 PM