
A b o u t Y o u <3
.::.T h e B a s i c s.::.
Name::Daryl Lee How Jun.
Age:Twelve going thirteen in months.
Bday:4th August.
Hair color:Black.
Eye color:Black.
Pets:2 cute doggies^^
Siblings:1 sister.
.::.F a v o r i t e s.::.
Actor or Actress:Nil. I love lots.
Animal:The Liger, probrably?
Band:My Chemical Romance WILL PWN U.
Candy:None. I like all sorts of candy!!
Channel:-MTV China-
Computer game:Audition,Runescape
Fast food place:None. Hate most of the fast food.
Food:Terriyaki CHICKEN.
Ice cream flavor:Rum&Raisin
Makeup:NONE. Im a boy!
Movie:None...most suck...
Song:Jiu Shi Wo(I'm the one) by Lin JunJie!!
Subject in school:MATH!!!!!!
.::.T h i s o r T h a t.::.
A few good friends or one best friend:Few good friends.Wats diff btwn best fren n gd fren nywy??
Pepsi or Coke:Coke.More originality.
Burger King or McDonald's:McDonald's
Shower or Bath:SHOWER. I HATE BATHS.
Bball or Vball:Bball.Me boy luh..puh-lease. Vball is a bit gay.
Cake or Pie:Pie
Chocolate or Vanilla:Vanillaa
Cat or Dog:Dog.
Hot or Cold:Cold.
Cookies or Muffins:Cookies
Curly or Straight (hair):Straight.
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings:Harry Potter!!!!
Funny or Scary movie:SCARY MOVIES ROCK BIG TIME!
Inivisibility or ability to fly:Abilty to fly.
Lipstick or Lipgloss:Neither. Cosmetics SUCK.
Ocean or Lake:Ocean.
Pen or Pencil:Pen
Sunny or Rainy:Sunnyy.
Inside or Outside:Inside
Pop or Rap:Pop
Target or Walmart:???
Winter or Summer:Winter. SNOW ANGELS!!
.::.F r i e n d s.::.
Happiest:er. none. all emo in a way or anth.
Best:Current- Zhengwei n Jiamin. ^^
Nicest:Erm...all Nice der. dun wan biased.
Smartest:IAN FOO.
Loudest:RYAN NG. erm. is he even a fren?...
Honest:All dishonest der...
Funniest:Raphael LOOOOOOO
Shortest:Ian Yeo
Tallest:KuoXuan A.K.A. Karen!!
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