DEJA VU - Beyonce feat. Jay-Z
this song, is like.
esp the mv ^^
you know that i cant get over you,
cause everything i see is you.
and i dont want to substitute,
baby i swear its deja vu.
addictive song ^.^
ohkay since aish is gunna ripppppppp
a quizzeh from me,
i shall rip one from her too xD
omigosh this one is 2 weeks old o.o"
i need something to post, yaknow.
today was a crappy day,
so i dun wna post about it xP
Date: 11-01-09
Name: Daryl Lee How Jun.
Age: 13
Birthday: 4th August.
School: NUSH ^^
Email: digiking_9025@hotmail.com
Eyes: Uhm. I have 2 of them :D
Hair: Black, and dry ):
Height: 173.5, last measured on 06-01-09 xD
Shoe size: Huh..no idea.
Who lives with you: Parents, sister, maid, 2 doggehhs.
Bedtime: a HUGE range, between 11pm - 5am.
Flown on a plane: Duh.
Been so drunk you blacked out: Never got drunk. Though i drank beer b4.
Missed school because it was raining: No. Never missed school.
Told a guy/girl that you liked them: Yea o.o
Put a body part on fire for amusement: Hell no.
Had a crush on a friend's girlfriend/boyfriend: -.- eee. 3rd party -.-
Been hurt emotionally: Who hasnt :/
Kept a secret from everyone: Yea. Still am xO
Had an imaginary friend: Yeshh. When i was like, 5.
Wanted to hook up with a friend: No xO
Cried during a movie: Hell no. xD
Been on stage: Mm o.o
Cut your hair: Yepps.
Had a crush on a teacher: Eww. I'm not like that lesbo in my chi txtbk -.-
Shampoo: Dont have one ._.
Colour: Green.
Day/night: I like evenings :D
Summer/winter: Winter ^^
Lace/satin: Neither :/
Movie: Harold and Kumar: escape from Guantanamo Bay.
Drink: Dont have a particular one o.o
Person to talk to face-to-face: O.o dont have one x.x all 107 ppl bah.
Person to talk to on the phone: Dont have one either. Dont really talk on the phone :/
Person to talk to online: In no particular order, WanQi, JiaMin, Aisyah, Andreea, Pin, IanFoo.
Wearing: White shirt, brown shorts, blue wristband, watch not on me o.o
Eating: Nothing, except the aftertaste of garlic bread xD
Drinking: Aftertaste of milk.
Listening to: Deja Vu - Beyonce feat. Jay-Z. Featured song of today :D
Cried: No..
Worn jeans: Nops.
Met someone new online: Nops.
Done laundry: No -.-
Drove a car: No -.-
Talked on the phone: No.
Yourself: Rarely.
Your friends: More than myself.
Tooth fairy: No. Tried conjuring it, though. Never came.
Destiny/fate: No.
Angels: Nah..
Ghosts: No (:
UFOs: Yesh. Those remote controlled ones :D
God: No. Free-thinker, tyvm.
Do you ever wish you had another name?: Yea. Like, something that starts with the last few letters of the alphabet. Being in the first few sucks ): i wna try being last, like Alice ):
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Nops.
Do you like anyone?: ...
Which one of your friend acts the most like you?: Idk o.o
Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Pradeep ;D i talked to him first in NUSH. And sadly, no RV-ians in NUSH ):
Who's the loudest?: Raphael!!
Are you close to any family members?: Most of them :D
Who do you go for stuff?: Usually parents.
Who do you hang around the most?: Parents o.o
What's the best feeling in the world?:
Worst feeling?: Pain.
Let's walk in the: rain o.o
Let's run through: this together xD
Let's look at: the sunset..? sorry my brain not functioning.
Who are those: people o.o
What a nice: house!!
Where did all these: ants come from (honestly, lots of these shit live in my room.)
When will she: die?
How are: you o.o
Why can't you: just forgive and forget?!
So where did you: go?
Sing the: song with me ^^
Easier than: ABC ^^ (wrong usage o.o)
Look at my: face. Do you see a happy face? xD
I'll stay if: you tell me to.
Silly, little: b!atch.
1. What is a personal feature that you obsess over constantly?: None, except my pimples o.o
2. What do most people think of the city in which you live?: SMALLLLLL.
3. What music do you constantly listen to when you're trying to get happy?: Any song ._.
4. Do you take good care of your body?: Nuuuuuu.
5. What is your type of guys/girls?: Straight, can ler xD
6. Hamburger or turkey sandwich: Turkehhhhhhhhh :D
7. Do people think you're pretty/cute?: Noooo.
8. Describe your computer's background/wallpaper: Paramore o.o i keep changing. idk which is that best.
9. What does life mean to you?: Sometimes, it means nothing ._.
10. What makes you a good person?: Nothing.
11. If you are of age, have you ever stayed out alone to last call?: ...huh?!
12. Do you like being alone?: At times, when i get pissed at the world.
13. What is your best talent?: Nothing.
1. Who are you, where do you live, what is the room you're in like at this moment?: Daryl; Mount Faber Rd; bright, and smelly.
2. What is your preferred form of artistic expression?: Dont have one.
3. Who is your favorite artist and why?: Dont have one either.
4. What sort of things do you like to receive in a mail?: The destruction of the school :D that will be VERY bad news ^^
5. What are some quirks about you that you'd like to share?: ...?
6. What are your greatest values?: I dont have one xS
7. Where do you hope to be in 5 years?: A university. I cant retain in five years ):
8. How can we reach you if we want to write letters to you?: Omigosh u want me to put my address for wad -.-
9. What are some of your favorite things?: Dont have a favourite o.o
10. What sets you apart from everyone else?: Paranoia.
What is the name on your birth certificate?: Daryl Lee How Jun.
Nicknames?: Dont have one xD
If you could choose your own name, what would it be?: The range is too wide ler.
Do you consider yourself to be religious?: No..
If you had the opportunity, would you start your own religion?: JIMMINISM/ SAMNISM ^^
Do you think honesty is a virtue?: I think so..?
How do you want to die?: A quick death, as in by a gullotine. Dont tear me apart. Takes too long -.-
What do you want to have done to your body afterward?: Just left there o.o
Do you believe in an afterlife?: Duh. I dont think god, if there's one, can make so many lives anyway.
Do you consider yourself to be materialistic?: Yea.
Spanking children: Yea. CHILDREN should be spanked, if they're naughty :D BUT. Teenagers cannot be spanked ohkay. So my ass is safe ;D
Euthanasia: Pretty freakish. How can death be painless o.o
Suicide: Sometimes, there's this point where everything goes wrong. Your family, friends, everything just abandons you. Ah. Only then can u suicide.
Vegetarianism: I have no comments lah :/
Capital punishment: Torturous. Tsktsk.
Do you consider yourself to be a good friend?: No x.x
Do you have a best friend?: Prolly JiaMin xD
What person do you wish you were still friends with?: Everyone o.o
What person are you glad you're no longer friends with?: Noone leh x.x not nice to lose a friend.
Is LJ a good place to make friends?: Huh?!
Do you believe in soul mates?: Yea. O.o
If you could have sex with anyone in the world, throughout history, who would it be?: A girl. please dont make me fk a boy. pleaseeeeeee.
Would you work/have you worked in the sex industry?: Helllll no.
Have you ever cheated on someone?: No -.-
Would/do/did you have sex with someone you didn't/don't love?: ...
What romantic thing do you wish someone else could do for you?: Nothing in mind.
Casual sex: Yea. And end up getting pregnant, and end up aborting. SCREW YOU.
Adultery: No comments, still a child o.o
Polygamy: Thats bullshit. You're only offering half of ur love to each of ur spouse, if u have 2. But that person has to give u all his/hers. Selfish b!atches.
Monogamy: That's fine. One is enough, ohkay.
Marriage: Depends on how much to love the other, and how much the other loves you. Dont force. Wont be happy der.
Divorce: Ah i dont care about all these, as long as YOU DO NOT ABORT.
Homosexuality: Ew..but its one own preference. I have no right to interfere with who they wna be with.
Bisexuality: Ewer. Imagine having a husband AND a wife. sick.
You get to live in for a day in someone else's shoes. Who would it be?: Noone o.o
What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?: My Pokemon figurines! Idk if they're still around o.o
What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?: Blue's Clues :D
What is your favorite TV show of all time?: Mythbusters.
Toilet papers?: I dont have a favourite -.-
Briefs or boxers: Dont have one.
Where do you shave?: Ew =.=
What is your biggest pet peeve?: People who dont close doors -.-
What is your biggest turn-on?: WHAT?!
Turn-off?: HUH?!
Last book you read?: Twilight. ohh i'm still at page 11. Believe it ._.
Last movie you watched?: Scream 2 xD
Last TV show you watched?: Spongebob Squarepants!
How do you deal with people who annoy you?: Ignore them. Or shout at them.
What do you think of the current administration?: Idk xS
What was your worst nightmare?: I cant remember. I think the one, where my parents and sister became serpents. Then i had to kill them, or they would kill me. Then after i killed them, they changed back, then my parents and sister were there. Headless. ): ARGH THAT WAS SCARY.
What is your fondest administration?: IDK O.O
Fallen for your best friend?: Not gay.
Made out with JUST a friend?: Yea xS Sorry Fray ):
Been rejected?: No.
Been in love?: Yea o.o
Been in lust?: WHAT?!
Used someone?: Nah..
Been used?: Maybe.
Cheated on someone?: No -.-
Been cheated on?: Hope not.
Done something you regret?: DUH.
You touched?: TOUCHED?! My dad, i think.
You talked to?: Sister.
You instant-messaged?: Andreea lor.
You kissed?: Mum, or dad. Idk.
You yelled at?: Idk o.o
You laughed with?: Pin o,o omigosh on friday.
Considered a life of crime?: No lah -.-
Considered being a hooker?: ZZZ.
Considered being a pimp?: Maybe o.o jk. NO.
Are you psycho?: Maybe xS
Split personalities?: No.
Schizophrenic? : No.
Obsessive?: At times.
Obsessive-compulsive?: No lah (:
Panic?: Yea.
Anxiety?: Yups.
Depressed?: Duh.
Suicidal?: Yeap.
Obsessed with hate?: No.
Dream of mutilated body, death, blood and gore?: YES. Refer to the nightmare question before.
Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them?: NO. DAMN YOU.
Understanding?: No xS
Open-minded?: Yea.
Arrogant?: Yea, often.
Insecure?: Idk :O
Interesting?: Nops.
Friendly?: I think so o.o
Smart?: Hell no.
Moody?: Sometimes.
Childish?: Very.
Hardworking?: No. Damn slack.
Organized?: Nooo.
Emotionally-stable?: No. Well-known for mood swings o.o
Horny?: GOD. NO.
Difficult?: Perhaps..?
Attractive?: No..
Bored easily?: Yea.
Thirsty?: Yea.
Responsible?: Nah.
Sad?: Kinda.
Happy?: (1 - Kinda)
Trusting?: Sometimes.
Talkative?: Nah..
Original?: No.
Different?: Maybe.
Unique?: Everyone's unique. Except i'm unique in the negative way. o.o
Lonely?: No..
Colour your hair?: No.
Have tattoo?: Nah.
Piercing?: No.
Have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: ...maybe o.o
Floss daily?: No.
Own a webcam?: Built-on the laptop.
Ever get off the damn computer?: Wow. Thats something my parents would say. Honestly, yea.
Clothes: Still white shirt, brown shorts, blue wristband..
Mood: Sad, happy, tired, bored.
Hair: Messy, black.
Smell: ...quite ohkay. Didnt sweat today o.o
Annoyance: Nothing.
Things you ought to be doing: Studying chem, revising bio, doing chinese worksheet.
Favorite group: Huh?
Book: Dont have one! X:
DVD in player: Nothing in there.
Refreshment: None. I'm really thirsty. Gunna get a drink.
Worry: Phone x.x need a new one.
Crush: X, where X = a human on earth :D
Food: No favourite o.o
Drink: None o.o
Shoes: Dont have a favourite.
TV show: Mythbusters xD
Movie: Aiyoh.. Harold and Kumar; escape from Guantanamo Bay
Dance: Dont have one.
Vegetable: Dont have one.
Long or short hair?: Long.
Dark or blond hair?: Blond.
Tall or short?: Tall.
Mr Sensitive or Mr Funny?: Neither. Not gay.
Good girl or bad girl?: Bad girl :D
Dark or light eyes?: Light eyes.
Hat or no hat?: No hat.
Pierced or no?: No.
Freckles or none?: None.
Rugged outdoorsy type or sporty type?: Sporty type.
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate.
McDonald's or Burger King: KFC :D
Marry the perfect lover or perfect friend: Marry the perfect friend.
Sweet or sour: Sour.
Root beer or Dr Pepper: Neither o.o
Sappy/action/comedy/horror: Horror, comedy.
Cats or dogs: Dogs.
Ocean or pool: Pool.
Cool ranch or nacho cheese: Nacho cheese.
Mud or jello wrestling: O.o"
With or without ice cubes: Withtout ice, but refrigirated ler.
Shine or rain: Rain.
Winter/summer/fall/spring: Winter.
Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla.
Gloves or mittens: Mittens.
Eyes open or closed: Idk o.o
Fly or breathe underwater: Fly.
Bunk bed or water bed: WATER BED. I MISS IT LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chewing gum or hard candy: Chewing gum. Ah my sweet tooth's acting up.
Motor boat or sailboat: Neither.
Lights on or off? On in the day, off at night xD
Chicken or fish: Chicken.
Number: 13.
Holiday: New York xD
Radio station: 91.3FM :D
Place: Dont have one.
Flower: Rafflesia xD
Scent: Lavender.
If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: Spain.
What would you be doing?: Pit-bulling :D
What are you listening to?: Circus - Britney Spears.
Can you do anything freakish with your body?: No o.o YongJen can shove both legs behind his head.
omigosh i remember, my bio book is in WanQi's locker! Shit need to remind her to pass me 2mrw!! :O
ciao ;]]
--~ @ 8:50 PM

SAY IT AGAIN - Marie Digby
cant say much; just listen :D
this thing about love is i never saw it comin',
you kinda crept up and took me by surprise.
and now there's a voice inside my heart that's got me wonderin',
is this true? i wanna hear it one more time.
today was kinda a boring day;
like duh.
a saturday.
this post is sub-divided in 3 parts.
- a short recap of what i did today xD
- quizzeh ^^
didnt off comp last night.
so i slept on the table.
from 1 to 3.
then went on the bed to sleep.
still hvnt off the comp ._.
then at 7, i woke up to off comp and light.
then slept til 11 plus.
after waking up,
turned on the comp right away xD
chionging for kevjumba vids xD
so watch kev and twk until..
then go kumon o.o
after finished,
which was like.
5 plus,
went home.
ohh i met jookee at the bus interchange xD
he was late for some lesson, apparently o.o
came home and watched twk again.
til 8 plus.
dinner o.o
after dinner,
used comp again.
played audi for a while,
then went out with parents and sister,
to chinatown,
for a while.
to see the cny decorations.
then came back,
and watched SCREAM 2 :D
started at 2200.
here's the plot xD
adapted from wikipedia,
The plot is centered on a group of college friends, an ex-cop and a news reporter as they deal with some mysterious killings that take place at the same time as the release of the horror movie Stab, which was inspired by the events in the California town of Woodsboro depicted in the original film. Many of the survivors from the first movie return to reprise their roles from the original.
The movie starts as Sidney (Neve Campbell) and Randy (Jamie Kennedy) are attending Windsor College. They see news reports that a couple (Jada Pinkett Smith and Omar Epps) were murdered in a movie theatre at the preview of the Stab movie, which was based on a book by Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox) about the Woodsboro murders. Phil Stevens is stabbed in the head through the wall of a bathroom cubicle. The killer then enters the cinema and sits next to Maureen Evans, and she assumes the killer is simply her boyfriend wearing a mask. During the Casey Becker kill scene in the film Stab, the crowd goes wild. Taking advantage of this, the killer stabs Maureen multiple times. Since many of the movie-goers are wearing the killers costume (as publicity material provided by the movie studio) and are all carrying fake knives, nobody takes Maureen's attack seriously. Seriously wounded and dying, she climbs up the stairs in front of the movie screen and lets out one final cry before falling down dead. Soon, Sidney and Randy realize that the nightmare is starting all over again.
Dewey (David Arquette) also arrives on the campus to try and help protect Sidney. Once again, in the "rules" scene, Randy and Dewey talk and discuss the fact that anyone could be the killer (also known as Ghostface) - including themselves. During the course of the discussion, Randy continues his job of explaining the rules of a horror movie, this time the "rules of a Sequel".
The killer attempts to stab Sidney, while setting up a copycat ploy. Casey "Cici" Cooper (Sarah Michelle Gellar), a sorority girl, is the next victim. While alone at her sorority house, Cici is threatened by the killer over the phone before the killer attacks her inside the house and chases her upstairs. The killer then stabs her in the back twice before throwing her over a third story balcony to her death. After the police discover the body, the students at the nearby martini mixer go over to investigate, leaving Sidney and Derek at the Delta Lambda Zeta house. The killer attacks Sidney, but Derek appears and helps Sidney escape, before he charges into the house himself. He is slashed on the arm, but the wound is not serious. In the confusion, the killer escapes.
At the police headquarters, Gale and Dewey notice that the names of the new victims loosely match the first three victims from Woodsboro - Maureen Evans matches Maureen Prescott, Casey "Cici" Cooper matches Casey Becker and Phil Stevens matches Steven Orth. The police chief assigns two detectives to protect Sidney from any further attempts on her life. Later, Sidney is in the school theater rehearsing for the play Cassandra when the killer attacks through the mass chaos in one of the scenes, although it is not clear if this is simply a figment of Sidney's imagination or not.
Randy is the next victim. The group is outside on the campus lawn amongst dozen of college students, enjoying the fine weather. When the killer calls and taunts them - claiming that he can see them from where he is. Gale and Dewey search the dozen or so students in the area with cell phones, trying to quickly reveal if any of them is the killer. Randy is also looking around whilst talking to the killer on the phone - he is trying to stall the killer in order to help Gale and Dewey find him. While he is outside (the cameraman) Joel's van, he is unexpectedly pulled into the van and stabbed to death, before his body is discovered soon afterwards by Joel, Gale and Dewey. Officer Andrews and Officer Richards, the detectives who were assigned to protect Sidney, are attacked while their vehicle is stopped at traffic lights. One of the detectives tries to shoot the killer while on the hood of the car, and the killer deliberately crashes the car - killing the detective and knocking the killer unconscious. Gale and Dewey are also caught in a game of cat and mouse with the killer, resulting in Dewey being stabbed and seriously wounded. Sidney and Hallie (Elise Neal), Sidney's roommate, narrowly escape the wreckage of the crashed car by squeezing past the unconscious killer in the front seat. Once out of the car, Sidney debates whether to remove the killer's mask or not, and decides to, but returns she find that the killer is gone. She then turns around, only to see Hallie being stabbed by the killer.
Sidney runs to the school theatre, where she is confronted by the killer once more. The killer reveals himself to be Mickey (Timothy Olyphant), her new boyfriend's best friend. Sidney finds her boyfriend Derek tied to a stage prop, and Mickey then shoots Derek in the chest. Mickey is also revealed to have had a partner - Mrs. Loomis (Laurie Metcalf), the mother of Sidney's previous boyfriend Billy. Mickey reveals that it was his plan all along to be caught for the murders, and to become famous and immortalized by the media. He met Mrs. Loomis on a "psycho website", and she agreed to fund his college tuition in return for his part in the killings. She also helped Mickey place calls to the victims, except for that day because she "ditched on him." Mrs. Loomis' motive for killing Sidney and her friends was revenge for Sidney having killed her son - however Sidney pointed out to her that if she had not abandoned Billy prior to this, then Billy and Stu Macher would not have started their killing spree in the first movie. Mrs. Loomis shoots Mickey, removing him as a potential threat, and stating that his intended legal defense was absurd anyway and that no-one would have believed it. Mickey wanted to blame the violent killings on horror movies; the "effects of cinema violence in society."
As he himself is shot, Mickey reflexively shoots Gale, causing her to fall off the stage. Sidney is cornered by Mrs. Loomis and tricks her momentarily into believing Mickey is still alive, and when Mrs. Loomis is distracted, Sidney hits her in the face with a prop jar. Sidney then barricades herself backstage and causes the front of the stage to collapse on Mrs. Loomis. Mrs. Loomis survives and gets Sidney in an armlock, and Cotton (Liev Schreiber), the man Sidney initially blamed for killing her mother arrives, and takes Mickey's gun.
Mrs. Loomis tries to convince Cotton to kill Sidney, but Cotton chooses to shoot Mrs. Loomis instead. Sidney and Cotton discover that Gale is wounded but alive, and they help her up. Mickey suddenly jumps up dramatically and Gale and Sidney shoot him multiple times. Then, Sidney turns around and decides to shoot Mrs. Loomis in the head - "just in case". It is then revealed that despite his ordeal, Dewey survived his stabbing (while a horrified Gale watched from the other side of the soundproof glass in the sound studio, unable to hear his cry). He is wheeled out of college and taken away in an ambulance. Gale decides to ride with the ambulance to the hospital. It turns out that the scar tissue from being stabbed in the back in the first movie prevented this latest stabbing from being fatal. The movie ends with Sidney looking up into the sky and walking away from the scene of the carnage.
4/5 stars :D
1997 movie o.o
quizzeh time xD
#1 JiaMin
#2 WanQi
#3 Aisyah
#4 Andreea
#5 Pin
Do you like or love 1? [JiaMin]
LOVE! I cant say i like. in this case i would really be gay.
he's my di :D
Why is number 1 your 1? [JiaMin]
Oh cos i love him the most xD
and cos he's gay~
What\'s your relationship with 5? [Pin]
He's my only kor xP
Are any of them going out?
No, sadly not ):
Have you kissed any of them?
Pin, i think.
If so did you enjoy it?
Used to, but i dont think i wont, anymore.
i lost my gayness xD
Whould 1 and 4 make a good couple? [JiaMin & Andreea]
Incest ):
How long have you been friends with 2? [WanQi]
Have you ever seen 3 in a swimsuit? [Aisyah]
Our swimming course was last year.
i didnt even know her.
and she was 01, i 07.
different time slots.
Would you ever date 5? [Pin]
As a bro bro kind, sure.
nth beyond.
Who would you do anything for?
All of them :D
Do you know 4's middle name? [Andreea]
Andreea Lee Yan Tsyr.
something between e and y?
a space o.o
Are 1 and 2 friends? [JiaMin & WanQi]
Past rumoured couple,
current siblings.
Have you ever slept in the same bed as 3? [Aisyah]
What would you do if 3 and 1 were dating? [Aisyah & JiaMin]
Are they all virgins?
If no, then who?
Wait. Maybe JiaMin xD
Describe 1 in 3 ways? [JiaMin]
Describe 4 in 3 ways? [Andreea]
Who's the funniest?
Who's the hottest?
Who would you rather hang out with for 1 week straight?
All of them! :D
Who can you trust the most?
Andreea, Aisyah.
Who was the last person you texted?
Mumm xD
lame post.
ciao ;]]
--~ @ 12:44 AM