I realize that i have to post EVERYDAY
to reach my just-made goal of one-oh-seven posts.
by this year -.-
This is my sixty-third post.
Omg. 44 posts more =.=
im dead.
Im gunna make this post rly short.
Today sucked kay.
Well. At least. Its SUCKING.
happened in the last five hours.
ah yes.
10.05am- Woke up. Straight away switch on the comp.
Yesh. I woke up THAT early to post. xD
11.05am- Argh. Breakfast. THEN. Slacked.
In front of the comp. For another 4 hours. Watched madtv, played audition.
And i realize i lose my touch when a pro comes into the room.
Otherwise, i'll always be first :D
3.01pm- Staring at the comp. Blogging. Lunch still not eaten. I ROCK
I feel like doing a quiz.
I. want. want. want.
Ohkay fine.
I go re-do a quiz which i deleted. xD
tagged by ianf xD
1. Aisyah
2. Samantha
3. SiMin
4. Mumm
5. Nikki
6. JiaMin
7. WanQi
8. Pin
9. Shree
10. IanF
11. Pradeep
12. JunWei
13. Amelia
14. ZhengWei
15. Rania
16. Raphael
17. Bradley(?)
18. ShiNi
19. Ji xD
20. uhm.. lets see.. Jimmy xD
*How did you meet 7? [WanQi]
Fellow 07-ian ♥ :D
*What makes 15 very special? [Rania]
She's indo! The only indo in the twenty lah. Please.
*What would you do if 20 and 1 dated? [Aisyah & Jimmy]
Aww. Samantha will be shooooooooo sad T.T her dear hubby and pal have become lovers. Aww.
*Have you ever seen 17 cry? [Bradley]
Russians dont shed tears. Bwahahahahs.
*Would 3 and 6 make a good couple? [SiMin & JiaMin]
I think so xD
*Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? [Mumm & Raphael]
OMIGOSH YES. YES. YES. YES. Dadd and mumm xD ♥
*Describe 19: [Ji]
Hyper. Korean. SHORT.
*Do you like 2? [Samantha]
Yes. She's my religion :D
*What’s 8’s favorite color? [Pin]
I think black. Or blue :O
Or pink xD
*When was the last time you talked to 9? [Shree]
Msn, yesterday. For real, i think 3 days ago o.o
*What language does 5 speak? [Nikki]
English. Chinese. With a pinch of Jap xD
*Who is 13 going out with? [Amelia]
*What year is 16 in? [Raphael]
1 lah. Duh ._.
*What is 14’s favorite music? [ZhengWei]
Idk :O Ask him. He listens to random songs.
*Where does 18 live? [ShiNi]
Ah...i rmb doing this b4.
170 Lentor Loop. Bullion Park #14-02
Yesh I can remember, ms tan xD
*What would you like to tell 11 right now? [Pradeep]
3 things.
- You're black
- No one hates u.
- Especially me.
*What is the best thing about 20? [Jimmy]
His solemnity and buddha-ity xD
*Have you ever kissed 1? [Aisyah]
No way.
*What’s the best memory you have of 8? [Pin]
Raping him with JiaMin! xD
*When’s the next time you’re going to see 5? [Nikki]
I would presume. Next week?
*What was your first impression of 12? [JunWei]
Quiet but athletic bastard xD
*How did you meet 3? [SiMin]
We didnt meet. She just. somehow turned into my aunt. xD
*Is 6 your really close friend? [JiaMin]
Yah u could say that. xD
*Have you seen 18 in the last month? [ShiNi]
I think last friday :O
*When was the last time you saw 16? [Raphael]
Also last friday. These ppl no lit n trigo o.o
*Have you been to 9’s house? [Shree]
No. BUT. We've been AROUND her house. Looking for a DAMN file.
-stares at amelia-
-stares at wanqi-
-kills the both of them-
*When’s the next time you’ll see 8? [Pin]
Next week xD
*Are you close to 10? [IanF]
Yesh, u could say that. My dididi! xD
*Have you been to the movies with 11? [Pradeep]
Yes. On monday xD HSM!
*Have you gotten into trouble because of 10? [IanF]
Nops. Too guai. Or at least, on the surface.
*Would you give 20 a hug? [Jimmy]
I need some holy buddha-skin-cells on me! xD
*When have you lied to 16? [Raphael]
Yes. Told him mumm accepted him, though she didnt at that time xD
*Do you know a secret about 8? [Pin]
Yeshhhh. Lotsa ppl know lah xD
*Describe the relationship between 13 and 12. [Amelia & JunWei]
Amelia's brother-in-law :]
*What’s the best thing about your friendship with 9? [Shree]
Idk. She's nice. And hyper. And fun to play with (o.o wrong)
*What’s the worst thing about 6? [JiaMin]
*Have you ever sat with 14? [ZhengWei]
Yea. Now he sits behind me. :S
*How long have you known 13? [Amelia]
Uhm.. 10months. 5days. 15hours. 53minutes. and counting.
*Have you ever been in a fight with 1? [Aisyah]
Aiyohhh. No lah. I love my mei very much xD
*Does 11 have a bf/gf? [Pradeep]
Yes. Me xD
*Have you ever wanted to punch 2 in the face? [Samantha]
-.- no.
*Has 15 met your mother? [Rania]
I think not!
*Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 18? [ShiNi]
No. :P hehs.
*Do you live close to 7? [WanQi]
Nops. We like on the opposites of the country. Aw.
*What is 19’s favorite food? [Ji]
Idk. O.O ask ianf.
*If you could change one thing about 10, what would it be? [IanF]
*What kind of car does 1 have? [Aisyah]
Imaginary~~ lala~~ :)
*Have you traveled anywhere with 9? [Shree]
Yes. A few bus stops o_o
*If you gave 20 $100, what would they spend it on? [Jimmy]
A-cash, perhaps?
*What is your best memory of 6? [JiaMin]
Idk. Dont have a BEST memory. Hahs.
*Out of the top 20, which is funniest?
Raphael ;D
*Who is the most flirtatious?
IanFooMingZe. Yes.
*Which one lives farthest away?
ZhengWei? Now we're REALLY on both ends of the country.
*Which ones do you hang out with most?
Aiyah just the oh-seven ppl xD
So yea.
Thats it.
Today's QUIZ day :D
thats three quizzes 2dae already xD
so yea.
ciao ;]]
--~ @ 2:55 PM

I shall rip a quiz from aish.
(although it was NIKKI who tagged me)
(i saw it in aish's blog first. 2bad)
(see. u nvr tag me i still bother to do -.-)
1. Besides your mouth, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
I dont like to be kissed =.=
2. Were you happy when you woke up today?
No. Im never happy waking up.
3. How about now?
Relatively. xP bit on the happy side. Its raining :D
4. Do you eat candy on a daily basis?
5. Who was the last person you ate with?
Uhm. Family...?
6. Are you currently taking a science class in school?
Not anymore. Modules are OVER!
7. Kiss on the first date?
No. =.=
8. Would you rather have chicken or steak?
Steak xD
9. What were you doing at 10 am?
Sleeping. I woke up at 10.10 :O
10. Are you different now than you were six months ago?
I...was a child six months ago. And now..IM A TEENAGER :D
11. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Im not that careless. Milo, i suppose?
12. How old will you be in 10 months?
November 2008 + 10months = ....September 2009
13. Who was the last person to text you?
Mumm xD
14. What month is your birthday in?
August. A day before dear Zhengwei's ^^
15. Can you live a day without TV?
Yeps. Been living through lotsa them :/
16. When was the last time you saw your dad?
This morning.
17. How many pets do you have?
Uhm. Two dogs. And...a dying hamster :O
18. Are you a female or a male?
19. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
None, if i can help it.
20. What are you doing for your next birthday?
It'll just be a normal day. Trust me.
21. What are you thinking about right now?
The answer for question 20 xO
22. Any plans for next weekend?
No.. T.T
23. Do you smile a lot?
Idk, really. I dont look at the mirror. xS
24. When was the last time you cried and why?
Uhm. Long time ago. Cant rmb loh.
25. Have you ever had a life-threatening injury?
26. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I havent thought that far yet lah, please -.-
27. Do you like flying or driving?
Obviously FLYING. Handgliding whooots~
28. Do you know how to drive a stick shift?
29. What is your favourite thing to spend money on?
Food. Idk y. But i dont rly spend my money on anything else.
I mean, obviously =.=
30. Do you wear any jewelry daily?
31. Who got you the jewelry you are currently wearing?
No-one. Told u i dont have -.-.-.-.-
32. Who is the funniest person you know?
I know too many funny people to name them.
In oh-seven, its probably Raphael. Irritating, but hilarious xD
33. How often do you remember your dreams?
I can remember a few which i had even from P2 :OOO
34. What is your ringtone?
Bad Girl - Danity Kane. The starting kicks ass! :D
0.0 thats it?
that was fast.
now i go find another quiz to do :x
-looking for quiz-
Got it from Ji's blog this time :D
01. show?
I don't have one anymore.
02. hangout place?
Nuh-uh. Dont have either x.x
03. color?
Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen :D
04. sport?
Badminton, Swimming. xD
05. mall?
Definitely NOT Vivo. Puh-lease -.- Uhm. Not very sure :S
06. music?
Lots! :D As long as not heavy metal can ler. Cant take it =.=
07. food?
None in particular anymore.
08. season?
Winter! Last one i experienced was 4 years ago in Korea..haixzx.
09. day?
Sunday used to be my favs. Now i dont have one cos i realized Sundays SUCK.
10. city?
Pennsylvania!! loves!
01. height?
10.1km. Hmmph. Taller. than. Ji. can. ler.
Actually its 171cm xP
02. hair color?
03. hair length?
Short. Boy please.
04. hair style?
05. eye color?
BLACK oso ':D
06. shoe size?
Not sure...?
07. best friend?
Eeee. I love all my friends equally kay.
08. available?
Yea. Who wants me? (despo xD)
09. have any plans for today?
Slackkkkkkkkkkkkkkk th whole day ^^
10. mood?
So-so lah :P rain ended T.T
01. have you ever been in love?
I guess.
02. do you believe in love?
No. I believe in ghosts more than love :D
03. why did your last relationship fail?
Someone was being a bitch
04. have you ever been heartbroken?
Yes...no over love lah. Please.
05. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
06. have you ever fallen for one of your best friends?
Ew. No.
07. have you ever kept it a secret from someone that you liked them?
Yes. I probably currently am.
08. are you afraid of commitment?
09. have you ever had a secret admirer?
I think so :O
10. do you believe in love at first sight?
Probably :O
01. love or money?
Money. Love hurts.
02. hard liquor or beer?
04. hookups or relationships?
05. television or internet?
Internet :D
06. Pepsi or coke?
07. chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla loves :D
08. colored or black and white pictures?
Black and white. So...vintage hahahs.
09. phone or in person?
In person.
10. msn or myspace?
01. have you ever been caught sneaking out?
02. have you ever skinny dipped?
Not as far as i can remember. LOL.
03. have you ever done something you regret?
Duh... ):
04. have you ever bungee jumped?
05. have you ever been on a house boat?
Yea :P
06. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker?
It took me a loooooooooooooong time o.o
07. have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt?
08. have you ever been streaking?
No idea wad that is. But i guess not.
09. have you ever ran away?
10. wanted to?
Actually. Yes.
01. are you missing someone right now?
Uhhuh. I ALWAYS miss this person when she's not around lah. Used to it.
02. are you happy?
A little. The rain lightens me up :D
04. are you bored?
05. are you german?
06. are you british?
Ew. Hell no.
07. are you french?
08. are you Italian?
Ouch. Wad a insult -.-
09. are you Asian?
(eyes lighten up) Mmhmm mmhmm :D
10. are your parents still married?
11. do you like someone now?
Duh. Yongjen lor :D
01. thinking about?
What to eat for breakfast xD
02. are you eating?
03. are you happy?
(yes u just made me UN-happy -.-)
04. what were you doing an hour ago?
Sleeping. It was 10am.
05. what are you wearing?
clothes. and 2 wristbands. and my watch is god-knows-where =.=
06. are you cold?
Nops. Shall on the air-con now :D
07. are you excited?
Hell no. Monotonous day its gunna be...sian.
08. are you upset?
Nops. :D
09. what is your current mood?
-.- stop asking. Fkew.
10. are you alone?
Yes. Im almost all alone in the house D;
OMG. Was intending to do another quiz.
But cant find anymore -.-
Neh mind.
G2g now.
ciao ;]]
(btw i love yongjen xD)
--~ @ 10:13 AM