First of all,
a big SORRY!
(only to those who
even bother to step into
this blog)
its dead beyond words.
i cant revive it yea.
but who cares.
i'll juz b a loser,
n post anyways.
got this quiz from Alicia.
1. Jiamin (107)
2. Jazlene
3. Zhengwei
4. Wanqi
5. Shree
6. Amelia
7. IanF
8. CheeSeng
9. Yongjen
10. Hema
11. Russell
12. LimPin
13. Raphael
14. Andreea
15. Jean
16. Shini
17. Rania
18. Gabriel [Sidik]
19. Alicia
20. Fray
21. JunQi
22. Shermin
23. Ryan
24. JunWei
25. Bradley
26. ZongYao
27. YiAn
28. Audrey
29. Weijie
30. Winnie
How did you meet 10?
--Ooh i nvr met him [[hint hint]
What would u do if u nvr met 6?
--Hmm. Thats hard to ans. Not as if she is that important ><
What would u do if 20 and 15 dated?
--Oh man. I dunno. They complete strangers. N besides, one so guai the other so crazy der.
If u could marry between 6 and 14, who would it be?
--Amelia n Andreea. Obviously Andreea la! -.-
Did u ever like 9?
--As a fren, definitely (tho he's lame). but in other ways, NO!
Have u ever seen 4 cry?
--No. Tough gal nvr cries.
Would 4 n 17 make a good couple?
--U think?
Would 1 n 2 make a good couple?
--I think so! If Jiamin ever noes her well enough.
Describe 8
--A clever guy who always take initiative.
Do u like 12?
--Once again, only as a friend.
Tell me something about 17.
--From Indo. Cute n friendly. ;P
What's 7's favourite colour?
What would you do if 1 confessed he.she liked you?
--I would puke on his face. Anyway, Jiamin's NOT gay.
When was the last time you talked to 15?
--This morning.
How do you think 19 feels abt you?
--The greatesr bro in da world!!! (ego)
What language does 13 speak?
Who is 2 going out wif?
--Er-hmm. Otherwise JonKoo.
What grade is 16 in?
--Yr1 (13) ==
What is 5's favourite music?
--Ps. I not sure. All sorts of random bands.
Would you ever date 13?
--In THAT sort of way, NO!
Is 11 single?
--No. Attached to Shree.
What is 10's last name?
--S/O Sathiamoorthy -.-
Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 7?
--n.o. NO!
Where does 18 live?
--Somewhere in Singapore??
What do you think about 20?
--Innocent and beautiful. Great pal.
What's the best thing abt 30?
--Her intellect n intelligence =D
What would you like to tell 14 right now?
How did you meet 9?
--Same sku, same class.
What is the best and worst thing about 2?
--Her non-sexism n appearance. Worst..erm..not sure x/
Are you going to know 3 forever?
--Yea! Always rmb that small boy wif little "carrot hair" xD
How long have you known 26?
--Almost half a year? Wuz clueless who he was at the start of the year.
Who is 24?
--A freak (joking!) that can jump REALLY far n can soccer REALLY well.
Do you have a crush on 27?
--No way! ><
Would you kiss 25?
--Cmon la....-.-
Have you hugged/kissed 22?
--Dun bother...HAHAHA
Would you like to hug/kiss 21?
--No. Taken already.
Is 29 your GFF?
--Nuh...not at all xD
What do you hate about 23?
--His ability to talk non-stop without stopping?
What's your relationship with 28?
--No relationship. At all. Not even frens =)
That's abt all, folks.
Read this if you wan
Dont critisize my answers,
or i'll screw you.
--~ @ 10:47 PM