Yea. Thats the number of posts. gr8.
this is a short post.
there's a secret.
i cant tell anyone in the world now.
its too big.
i told no one in the world.
as of now,
only mumm knows.
i can trust her.
im upset beyond reason now.
i wish i could tell that person the secret.
but if i do,
my life would take a drastic change.
though that person wants to know so badly,
i know. that i'll get hurt if the response is negative.
so i have to be selfish now.
and keep this to myself.
im sorry.
i just cant bring myself to reveal something like that,
at this point.
it'll ruin everything. trust me.
just wait.
i'll tell u.
when the time is ripe.
hate me all you want.
dont even bother speaking to me anymore.
i'm used to it.
i've given up all hope on myself.
i guess u have, too.
--~ @ 6:09 PM