my mood.
for anything.
in life.
Oh and my darling kawaii aunt, SiMin, owes me a tag.
If u look at this, TAG.
4 quizzes.
That's all u'll expected in this post.
this blog is DEAD.
it is.
Name 5 boys & 5 girls now. [random] Do not look at the qns until u have done so. Pls arrange then in B_,G_ form.
B1. JiaMin
B2. IanFoo
B3. Pradeep
B4. Pin
B5. YongJen
G1. WanQi
G2. Aisyah
G3. Amelia
G4. Shree
G5. Nikki
Q1.Who is a better friend, G1 or G5? [WanQi & Nikki]
Sorry, Nikki ):
WanQi's my cheena mei. U cant change that :D
Q2. What would happen if G3 and B4 get into a relationship? [Amelia & Pin]
Q3. What would happen if G2 become ur enemy? [Aisyah]
I'll shoot myself in the head.
Q4. Who is prettier G1 or G2? [WanQi & Aisyah]
Aish o.o
Q5. Who is more helpful, B1 or B3? [JiaMin & Pradeep]
Q6. What if G4 and B5 stead? [Shree & YongJen]
Omigosh another incest couple :/
Q7. Would B2 stead G2? [IanFoo & Aisyah]
Ian will stead ANYONE.
Q8. If u would only to choose between G1 & B5 who would u choose? [WanQi & YongJen]
-.- wtf?
Both. I love all my siblings. Honest.
Q9.Do you think that G2 is attractive? [Aisyah]
Qn10. Do you think that B4 is charming? [Pin]
Why do u think i raped him -.-
Q11. Are G4 and G5 gdfriends? [Shree & Nikki]
I..dont think so o.o
Q12. Describe B3. [Pradeep]
Q13. Describe G3. [Amelia]
SMART(-er than ianfoo xD)
used to be..emo o.o
Q14. Describe B5. [YongJen]
The Ting Tings-crazy.
Q15. Describe G5. [Nikki]
another smart ass ):
RIPPED from Andreea
1. What is your current ringtone?
He Said, She Said - Ashley Tisdale
2. What is your current wallpaper?
Katy Perry :D
3. Do you own a picture phone?
Yea o.o
4. If so, what was the last picture you took?
Don attempting to jump down the 40th storey xD
5. Go to your text message inbox and type what the 10th text message says?
The 10th most recent one;
"Why?? D:"
6. How many contacts do you have on your phone?
63 only ):
i dont bother to add alot. Cant be bothered.
8. Who was the last person you spoke to on your cell phone?
9. What service do you have?
10. At this very moment, how many bars do you have for your service?
11. Who's on your speed dial numbers?
No one. I dont use speed-dial.
12. Do you have voicemail?
13. How many contacts that start with the letter J do you have and who are they?
8. Aww.
JeeKinn, JiaMin, JiaWei, JiaWei, JieYee, JiHyo, JiWoo, JooKee, JunYuan
14. Who do you call the most?
Parents o.o
15. How many text messages do you get a month?
Depends. Sometimes, it can shoot 5000. Sometimes, 500 o.o
16. Can you send pictures?
17. What are the first 2 digits to your number?
18. Go to your SENT texts..what does the first one say?
19. What about the 15th?
"I guess.."
20. Who's the last person that you called?
-there's no 21-
22. Last person that texted you?
My mother xD
23. Last person you added to your contacts?
YongJen o.o
24. How many minutes are on your plan?
100. But it's became 200. Cos of the promotion.
25. Go down to your 5th contact, who is it?
26. Wanna give out your number?
90266002 :D
RIPPED by JiHyun
1)Someone knocks on your window at 2 am, who do you want it to be?
No one. No one should know how i look when i sleep o.o
2)Your boy/girlfriends ex calls and needs a tire change, do you lend them a help?
Yea ;D
3)Ever seen a ghost?
Sure. -.-
4)Do you love anyone?
Almost everyone :D
5)A person that you miss?
Ohh everyone in class (:
6)A band/group you thought was cool when you were little?
Kiss xD
7)Do you wanna have kids before you are 30?
Idk o.o
8)Ever had a crush on one of your friends parents?
9)Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
Ohh i look more like Raphael :D
10)If you could be with one person now who would it be?
11)Where would you like to be in 10 years?
Ohh anywhere ;D
(except singapore.)
12)Something you learned about life this year?
No. I'm just about as heartbroken and emo as last year.
13)What do you want for your birthday?
It's who. x.o
14)Have you said I love you to anyone today?
No. one. o.o
15)What did you have for breakfast?
I didnt have breakfast.
16)How many hours of sleep do you get yesterday?
2 - 11.
9 ;D
17)What do you wish you were doing right now?
With her.
18)Ever had a black eye?
19)Last person u went out with?
20)Last board/card game you played?
21)What do you think of Brad Pitt?
He's gay ):
22)Name a friend you have the most in common with?
I'm not sure o.o they're all equally different.
23)What color are your toe nails?
Idk o.o
24)Last person you talked with on the phone?
25)Have you traveled overseas?
Duh -.-
26)What movie do you want to watch?
RIPPED from Aisyah
Your real name: Daryl Lee How Jun
Age: 13
Height: In JiHyun's terms, 101km. In metric terms, 173.5cm.
Weight: I cant remember o.o The last time i took was during P.E.
Natural hair colour: BLACK.
Eye colour: BLACK.
Skin color: Human.
Glasses/contacts?: Neither. Perfect eyesight (:
Piercings: None.
Tattoos: None.
Braces: No ):
Mannerisms: Dont have lah.
Other distinctive markings: -.-
Colour: GREEN.
Band: Paramore ): it was supposed to be ONLY HAYLEY WILLIAMS.
(but i cant classify her as one person. she's in PARAMORE.)
Video game: FIFA 08 :D
Movie: Harold and Kumar - The Escape from Guantanamo Bay.
Book: Ohh currently reading Twilight. So that one lor o.o
Food: None atm xD
Game on cell phone: None ):
CD: Circus - Britney Spears
Flower: RAFFLESIA! no lah. I dont have one.
Scent: -.- Lavender?
Animal: UNICORNS! ;D
Comic book: Dont have leii. Zatch Bell ;D
Cereal: Dont have. I like all cereals o.o
Website: www.tinted-death.blogspot.com
never heard of it before? go take a look (:
Cartoon: FAMILY GUY!
Play an instrument?: No.
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: Omigosh thats like.. more than 8 hours a day?!
Like to sing?: Yea, a little.
Have a job?: No -.-
Have a cell phone?: Hell yea.
Like to play sports?: Mmhmm ;D
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: One.
Have a crush on someone?: ...
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?: Noo. I live in Africa!
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: No. Only 2 X.x
Have any special talents/skills?: Not. at. all.
Exercise daily?: Sometimes ;D I always run, though o.o
Like school?: YES. NOW I MISS IT LIKE. ALOT!
Sing the alphabet backwards?: Z~Y~X~W~V~U~T~S~R~Q~P~O~N~M~L~K~J~I~H~G~F~E~D~C~B~A~ :D
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: Yea.
Speak any other languages?: A pinch of Jap, a pinch of Korean.
Go a day without food?: Yea.
Remember your dreams: Half of them.
Read music, not just tabs?: No. ):
Roll your tongue? : Yea.
Eat a whole pizza?: No o.o.
Won something in the lottery?: Nops.
Snuck out of the house?: Yea.
Lied to get out of trouble?: Duh.
Had a computer crash?: Duh!
Gotten lost in your city?: Nops.
Seen a shooting star?: Yesh (:
Been to any other countries?: Uhm. The 5 most significant; New York, Paris, Seoul, Pennsylvania, HongKong.
Had a serious surgery?: Not yet.
Stolen something important to someone else?: Nops.
Solved a rubiks cube?: Duh. Oh and the revenge's ;D and the proffesor's :D
Gone out in public in your pajamas? Not yet (:
Cried over a girl?: Yea.
Cried over a boy?: No.
Kissed a random stranger?: Yes.
Hugged a random stranger?: nooooo.
Been in a fist fight?: Nops.
Been arrested?: No lah.
Done drugs?: Not yet ;D
Had alcohol?: Not yet either ;D
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: O.o me gosh.
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: YES. Fun ;D
Sneaked into the opposite sex's bathroom?: No. No need to sneak lah.
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: No lah.
Swore at your parents?: Unfortunately so.
Kicked a guy where it hurts?: Yes.
Been to a casino?: Outside of one.
Ran over an animal and killed it?: No X.x
Broken a bone?: Nops.
Gotten stitches?: Yesh. On my forehead.
Had a water balloon fight in winter?: Nops. Snow fight, though (:
Made homemade muffins?: Yea.
Bitten someone?: Yesh!
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: No X:
Burped in someone’s face?: No.
Brushed your teeth: Morning.
Cried: Uhm. Weeks ago. Over someone.
Went to the bathroom: A few hours ago.
Saw a movie in a theatre: Weeks ago ):
Read a book: 20 minutes ago. One paragraph of Twilight o.o
Had a snow day: 2 years ago ):
Had a party: I cannot remember. Sometime this year.
Went to a doctor: Last year o.o
Tripped in front of someone: Never.
Went to the grocery store: Yesterday.
Got sick: 2 weeks ago..? Ask Rania. When did i have the fever? X:
Got cursed: Days ago..?
Called someone: Like. An hour ago.
Fruit/vegetables: Fruits
Black/white: Black o.o
Lights on/lights off: Light off. Then everyone will think im sleeping.
TV/movie: Movie.
Body spray/lotion: Lotion.
Cash/check: Cash.
Pillows/blankets: Pillows.
Headache/stomach ache: Stomachache.
Paint/charcoal: Charcoal.
Chinese food/Mexican food: Mexican food.
Summer/winter: Winter.
Snow/rain: Snow.
Fog/misty: Fog.
Rock/rap: Rock.
Meat/vegetarian: Meat.
Chocolate/vanilla: Vanilla ;D
Sprinkles/icing: Icing (:
Cake/pie: Pie.
Strawberries/blueberries: Strawberries lah.
Ocean/swimming pool: Ocean.
Cookies/muffins: Muffins!
Wallet/pocket: Wallet.
Window/door: Window.
Charles Chaplin/Chespirito: None of them lah ._.
Pink/purple: Purple.
Cat/dog: Dog.
Long sleeve/short sleeve: LOOOONG sleeve.
Pants/shorts: Pants.
Winter break/spring break: Spring break.
Spring/autumn: Autumn.
Clouds/clear sky: Clouds.
Moon/mars: Moon.
Questions/Answers: Answers.
War/Peace: Peace.
Do you believe in love?: No.
What's the most important kind of love for you?: Friendship.
Have you ever been in love?: Yea o.o
Been close to love?: No.
If you have, with who?: ...
Ever confessed your feelings to the one you loved?: ...
Really badly so that it actually hurts and you cry at night?: No.
Are you in a relationship?: No.
If so, for how long?: ...
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?: No. There're less girls than boys when i last heard.
What is your idea of the best date?: Dont ask.
What was your first kiss like?: ...
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: ...
Do you think love is worth nothing?: YES. It's hurting me like BLEAGH now.
Best experience you’ve ever had with the opposite sex: WWW with Alicia :)
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?: ...
Have you ever been dumped?: ...
Have you ever dumped someone?: ...
Am: VERY unhappy.
Want: to jump out of the window now.
Need: her.
Love: her.
Hate: oh almost everyone -.-
Did: , or did i not.
Miss: her.
Am annoyed by: oh that person.
Would rather: live in the States. Then live her, and be miserable.
Am tired of: this silence.
Will always: love her. forever.
What is your favourite genre of music?: Pop.
What time is it now?: 10.54pm.
How much money do you have right now?: $20..?
Are you hungry right now?: No.
What are you doing right now?: this.
Do you like parades?: Heck no.
Do you like the moon?: Hell yea.
What are you going to do when you're done with this?: Just wait. for someone.
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: fly.
Funny?: No.
Cool?: No.
Pretty?: No.
Sarcastic?: No.
Lazy?: Yes.
Hyper?: No.
Friendly?: A little.
Evil?: Yes.
Unforgettable?: No.
Smart?: No.
Strong?: No.
Talented?: No.
Dorky?: No.
High: Drugs.
Lonely: Silent.
Pen: Ink.
Flower: Rafflesia.
Window: Glass.
Psycho: Bitch.
Brain freeze: Slurpee.
Strange: Bizarre.
Sassy: Alicia :D
Suffering: now.
Art: Dumb.
Sky dive?: Yes.
Run away?: Yes. Doing so now ):
Curse at a teacher?: Yes.
Not take a shower for a week?: No.
Ask someone out?: Yes.
Unscrew your cellphone too see what's inside?: No.
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: No.
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: Yes. And indefinitely.
Go scuba diving?: Yes.
Write a book?: No.
Assemble a computer?: No.
Become a rock star?: No.
Have a long-distance relationship?: Yes.
Marry someone you don't know?: No -.-
What kind of computer do you have?: DELL Inspiron I1420.
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?: No.
Who else should take this quiz?: The world. I. tag. the. world.
Going out with Alicia soon.
great :D
ciao ;]]
--~ @ 9:35 PM